Research & Innovation

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials

EM-05-015029 Project LUBLIN

Physician & Study Coordinator

Study Coordinator

Monica Hosler, CRC
phone: 484-658-4567



A Multi-Center, Prospective, Open-label, Randomized, Study of 3M™ Topical Tissue Adhesive versus Commercially Available Tissue Adhesive for the Closure of Traumatic Lacerations and Surgical Incisions. Project LUBLIN.


Eligibility Criteria
  1. Subject is at least 22 years of age
  2. Subject is willing and able to attend all scheduled study visits and abide by all study restrictions
  3. Subject has a single laceration that is ≤ 100 mm (10.0 cm) in length or up to 4 surgical incision(s), each ≤ 100 mm (10.0 cm) in length, defined as Class I or Class II wound(s) in which the use of a tissue adhesive (in combination with but not replacing deep dermal sutures, if applicable) is appropriate, including the following:
    • surgical incision from a minimally invasive surgery
    • low tension incision
    • superficial laceration
    • clean, traumatic laceration with edges that can be easily approximated
