Bone Mineral Density Measurement

Advanced Radiology (Imaging) Services at St. Luke’s

Bone Mineral Density Measurement
Calculates Bone Loss

Since osteoporosis and other conditions that cause bone loss are more and more common, the technology of bone mineral density scans becomes increasingly important. Bone densitometry (DEXA scan) is a specialized X-ray that is used to measure bone loss. These are remarkably sensitive and precise X-rays of the spine, hip and forearm that are performed with a densitometer.

St. Luke's University Health Network offers the most advanced assessment of bone density and the detection of osteoporosis. St. Luke's also offers heel scans to screen patients for osteoporosis.

Details about the Bone Mineral Density Measurement examination

Scanning is painless and quick – tests generally can be performed in less than 30 minutes. Test results are interpreted by a credentialed doctor and are compared to the average bone mineral density of healthy young adults (of the same gender as the patient) at their peak bone mass. This can help the referring physician determine if the patient has osteoporosis or identify steps to preserve bone density.

Talk with your doctor about the benefits of bone density testing. If your doctor refers you for testing, call a convenient location to schedule an appointment.