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Get Screened


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Ask anyone...your health care provider, your family, your friend.

It’s worth the prep. It’s worth your peace of mind. It’s worth your life. GET SCREENED FOR COLON CANCER.
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Wellness 101
Colonoscopy Quick Tip

What is it?
A physician will use a small, thin scope to examine the entire rectum and colon to look for precancerous cells known as polyps. You will be sedated during the procedure and any polyps will be removed, which reduces your risk of colorectal cancer.

How often should it be done?
Every 10 years, if normal.

Where is it done?
A hospital, ambulatory surgery center, or endoscopy center.

What are the pros/cons?
Pro: Only test that can detect and remove precancerous polyps.
Con: Bowel prep is required, there is a small, rare risk of complications.

What is the cost?
Screening colonoscopies must be covered and are less costly than diagnostic colonoscopies. Coverage varies by insurance.

Who should get this test?
Almost everyone is a good candidate. This is the best test to examine and prevent cancer.

What is it?
A physician will order this stool-based test to be performed at home.The stool will be sent to local lab that will look for small amounts of blood.

How often should it be done?
Every 1 year, if normal.

Where is it done?
Your home.

What are the pros/cons?
Pro: No physical risks.
Con: A positive result will require a diagnostic colonoscopy.

What is the cost?
Low cost option.

Who should get this test?
This a good option for low and average-risk patients that are hesitant about a colonoscopy.

What is it?
A physician will order this stool-based test to be performed at home. The kit will be mailed to your home and your stool sample will be sent to an outside lab to look for small amount of blood or DNA markers that help identify colon cancers.

How often should it be done?
Every 3 years, if normal.

Where is it done?
Your home.

What are the pros/cons?
Pro: No physical risks
Con: A positive result will require a diagnostic colonoscopy.

What is the cost?
Coverage varies by insurance.

Who should get this test?
This a good option for low and average-risk patients that are hesitant about a colonoscopy.

Symptoms include:

  • Blood in your stool
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Change in bathroom habits
  • Persistent cramps
  • Low back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling bloated
  • Anemia

…. but sometimes there are NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL.

Talk to your health care provider – GET SCREENED and tell others to get screened!

Colonoscopy Prep Instructions

Scheduling your colonoscopy is an essential step for your health. Shortly before the procedure, you will receive instructions on how to prepare your bowel. You must understand and follow these instructions for a successful colonoscopy.

During your colonoscopy, your physician will use a lighted tube with a camera to see inside your colon and detect abnormalities, including growths called polyps that can turn into cancer. If you fail to follow the instructions completely, your colon will not be clear and your doctor may be unable to see some of the abnormalities present.

Individual holding a cup of tea

Failing to follow the preparation instructions completely might also:

  • Increase the length of your colonoscopy
  • Increase your risk of complications
  • Make it necessary to cancel and reschedule your colonoscopy. As a result, you’ll have to do the prep again.

A few days before your procedure, you will meet with your provider, who will review your personal and family health history and then examine you. Then, your doctor will select a bowel preparation especially for you and provide oral and written instructions. You must understand the instructions thoroughly. If you need help understanding or remembering, bring a family member to your appointment.

Although there are many prep brands, they all combine a pill or liquid laxative with a clear liquid diet. This includes fat-free bouillon or broth, gelatin, strained fruit juice (no red grape juice or any liquid with red color) and water. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the procedure. Also, your physician may instruct you not to take certain medications prior to your procedure.

Don’t hesitate to call your physician’s office should you have any questions about your prep. The staff will be happy to answer them.

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