
Patient Information and Resources

 St. Luke's ExecuHealth will work with you to provide the best possible care you deserve.

Congratulations! You’ve decided to invest in your health and now you’re curious to know what the assessment process will entail. The executive health assessment process starts now!


Your dedicated Care Manager will help identify a convenient time that works best for you and provide a comprehensive questionnaire in advance of your appointment that will help our team tailor the assessment to your personal health needs.

  • You will submit these documents to your Care Manager in advance of the assessment so your Care Team is efficient with your time on the day of the assessment and ensures the appropriate services are arranged
  • You will receive an itinerary with helpful information for the day of your assessment (pre-assessment fasting, arrival instructions, agenda for the day, etc.)

Sample ExecuHealth Daily Schedule

The following daily schedule is the most likely schedule for an ExecuHealth visit. It includes specially prepared breakfast and lunch (chosen by the patient) and built-in short breaks. The schedule may vary slightly based on the Lead Physicians’ discretion.


If deemed necessary, your Lead Physician will recommend either a full or ½ day follow up executive check up the subsequent year.

  • If needed, your Care Manager will coordinate any follow-up appointments to ensure continuity and a seamless experience at St. Luke’s
  • These services, provided after your assessment, are beyond the scope of your assessment and would be billed using your existing medical coverage
  • Your St. Luke’s ExecuHealth Lead Physician and Care Manager will monitor any follow-up appointments and additional recommended steps
