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Nose Reshaping

(Rhinoplasty or “Nose Job”)
Request your consultation
St. Luke’s rhinoplasty surgeons are among the greater Lehigh Valley region’s most skilled and experienced. Our providers are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, having completed extensive training that leads to a rigorous certification process. And due to our large network, we have access to the latest technology. These resources allow us to perform minimally invasive procedures with results you can be proud of.

What is a rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty offers both cosmetic and functional benefits. During this procedure, the surgeon will make an incision either inside the nose or between the nostrils, giving them access to the underlying structures. Then they’ll reshape your nose by removing bone or cartilage.

A rhinoplasty can also be performed for medical reasons, often to correct a deviated septum. This procedure, called a septoplasty, straightens the septum and improves nasal airflow. By having a combined rhinoplasty with a septoplasty, you can achieve the look you want, in addition to functional improvements.

If you want to learn more about nose reshaping, or schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon in the greater Lehigh Valley region who does nose reshaping, contact St. Luke’s Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Our team can provide you with the necessary guidance and expertise to achieve your aesthetic goals.


Nose reshaping can positively alter your appearance or correct functional problems. Rhinoplaty candidates typically include adults who have noses with:

  • A wide or misshapen bridge (including humps or depressions)
  • An unflattering nostril size or position
  • A bulbous, hooked, or upturned nasal tip
  • Wide, large, or upturned nostrils
  • Asymmetrical nostrils
  • A deviated septum

Schedule a consultation with a St. Luke’s rhinoplasty surgeon in the greater Lehigh Valley to determine if rhinoplasty is right for you.

Having a nose job can positively impact your well-being and self-confidence. The following list outlines some of the most commonly reported benefits:

  • Reduced snoring
  • Improved obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
  • Improved sinus problems
  • Enhanced sleep quality
  • Easier breathing
  • Corrected broken nose

A nose job can also have a significant impact on your body image, give you a more youthful appearance, and help you breathe easier. It’s a frequently performed plastic surgery procedure due to its ability to address both aesthetic concerns and airway issues.

As with all surgeries, nose reshaping has risks, including:

  • Bleeding
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Permanent numbness around the nose
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Scarring
  • A hole in the septum
  • Need for revision

Your surgeon will review a complete list of risks before getting your consent.

Before the procedure

In the time leading up to your nose reshaping at St. Luke’s Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, you can take steps to make your procedure as safe as possible. These include discussing the following topics at your surgical consultation:

  • Goals and expectations
  • Surgical options
  • Results
  • Recovery

As part of your consultation, your surgeon will also do a complete evaluation, which may include:

  • Ordering lab work
  • Taking “before” photos
  • Assessing medical conditions, allergies, and medical limitations
  • Reviewing medications, supplements, alcohol, tobacco, or drug use

A week before the procedure, you can prepare at home by:

  • Filling prescriptions
  • Purchasing necessary medical supplies
  • Coordinating transportation and meals
  • Staying hydrated

You should arrive early on the day of your procedure to avoid travel delays.

During the procedure

Your surgeon will work with you to determine the best type of rhinoplasty for your desired results. Rhinoplasties last around 2 hours and require general anesthesia. The outcome you want will determine the type of rhinoplasty you have.

Open rhinoplasty

With an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon will make an incision between the nostrils on the outer skin, giving them full access to the nasal canals and tissue. An open rhinoplasty is the preferred way to change the upper half of the nose.

Closed rhinoplasty

With a closed rhinoplasty, the surgeon will make an incision inside the nostrils to hide the scar. Because the surgeon won’t have full access to the nasal canal, this procedure is more restrictive. As a result, it’s used for patients who only need work done on the lower half of the nose.

“Liquid” rhinoplasty

With a “liquid” rhinoplasty, or nose filler injections, the surgeon will reshape the nose by injecting dermal filler. However, nose filler doesn’t last as long as open or closed rhinoplasties. As a result, this non-surgical approach can only add volume and is used for superficial reshaping.

After the procedure

After the procedure, you may experience swelling or discomfort, but this will subside within several weeks. If you’ve had a rhinoplasty to fix a deviated septum, you should see improvements within 6 weeks. However, if you're having surgery for cosmetic reasons, it may take up to a year to see full results. A rhinoplasty is a permanent procedure, but you may notice gradual changes as your body ages.

After the procedure, your surgeon will insert packing inside your nose for stabilization and protection, and may also apply a splint or bandage on the outside for added support. As you progress through the recovery process, there are several key milestones to anticipate:

  • Day of surgery: Nasal congestion and bruising around the eyes are common, so avoid putting pressure on your face. You should be in bed with your head elevated.
  • 1 to 7 days after surgery: You’ll keep wearing internal dressings and a nose splint. If you experience slight bleeding or mucus drainage, use a drip pad taped under your nose for relief. While you may start resuming daily activities, you should limit strenuous exercise.
  • 1 week after surgery: Your surgeon may remove your dressing. You may notice uneven swelling, but this should gradually subside over time. It's important to be patient and allow your body to heal at its own pace.
  • 2 weeks after surgery: Swelling will continue to decrease, but you may still have bruises around your eyes. However, you should be able to conceal them with makeup. At this point, you can safely return to work, but should still avoid strenuous activities.
  • 3 to 4 weeks after surgery: You can resume more of your daily social activities now that you have minimal bruising. However, you may still have swelling at the tip of your nose.
  • 2 to 3 months after surgery: You can resume all regular activities except for contact sports.
  • 6 to 12 months after surgery: Your surgeon will give you clearance to participate in contact sports. At this time, you can also expect to to see your surgery’s final results.