Farda Family Foundation Donation Helps Support Monroe Campus Expansion
January 01, 0001
St. Luke’s Monroe Campus President Don Seiple, with Vice President of Patient Care Services Jill D’Alessandro, at the site of the expansion.
A $250,000 grant from the Ann & Joseph Farda Family Foundation in Tannersville is helping support the expansion of St. Luke’s University Health Network’s Monroe Campus. Ground was broken in September for the 165,000-square-foot patient care building that will double the size of the existing hospital, allowing St. Luke’s to care for more Monroe County residents close to home.
Foundation spokesman Tony Farda, who attended the groundbreaking, said, “The family felt it was important for Mom and Dad, through their charitable foundation, to be a part of the St. Luke’s Monroe hospital campus expansion project. It was always their desire, and subsequently ours as well, to make Monroe County an extraordinary place to live, work and raise a family.”
The gift will be recognized with the naming of the new outpatient registration lobby.
Don Seiple, president of St. Luke’s Monroe Campus, said he is grateful for the contribution, which will help fund the $90-million expansion. “The Farda family’s generous gift to the St. Luke’s Monroe Campus is a gift to our entire community, as it will contribute to the health and wellbeing of area residents for generations to come,” Seiple said.
The new tower, which will be built on the east side of the St. Luke’s Monroe Campus, is expected to open in Spring 2024.
The new tower will house a general medical-surgical unit with 36 beds, additional operating and procedure space, expanded outpatient programs, and a state-of-the-art interventional radiology suite as well as l space for future development.
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