Graduate Medical Education

Conferences and Education

Vascular Neurology Fellowship

Vascular Conference: The stroke fellow will organize and participate in a monthly stroke conference divided in two parts.During the first half a junior resident will present an interesting case with an important teaching point to be emphasized.During the second half the stroke fellow will present rapid cases to be run by the junior residents as though in a “stroke alert” with emphasis on accuracy and time to treatment decision.

Stroke Journal Club: Bi-monthly meeting to review an interesting paper or recent publication with stroke/vascular neurologists as well as interested residents and advanced practice providers.

Stroke PI Meeting: The fellow will join and participate in the stroke PI meeting at the comprehensive stroke center.This is a multidisciplinary group including stroke program leadership, neurosurgery, emergency medicine, radiology, case management/social work, therapy and rehab services, nursing, and more.During these meetings stroke care at the CSC is discussed and reviewed with identification of deviations from best practice and action plan implementation.

Stroke Council Meeting:During the stroke council meeting stroke program leadership meeting with vascular neurology providers to discuss program management, research, and to review complications and challenging vascular neurology cases.

Teaching Opportunities: In addition to teaching while on the inpatient stroke service the fellow will join the other vascular neurology attendings in providing a monthly lecture to MS# students on the neurology rotation and to develop content for annual stroke education for the hospital.Additional opportunities to engage with providing stroke education to prehospital providers, public and community groups, and other St. Luke’s clinicians are available depending on the goals and interests of the stroke fellow.

The stroke fellow will be expected to present one Grand Rounds on a neurovascular topic of their choosing either independently or in collaboration with other presents with the approval of the program director.


The stroke fellow will be required to complete one original project which can be a research study or QI/PI project.  Additional research opportunities abound at multiple levels of complexity depending on the interest of the fellow.  Mentorship and education in regard to research practices and techniques is available for the fellow to aid in project design and implementation.