Research & Innovation

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials

CHAP Follow-Up Study

Pregnancy as a Window to the Future: Outcomes of Antihypertensive Therapy and Superimposed Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women with Mild Chronic Hypertension.

Physician & Study Coordinator

Study Coordinator

Monica Hosler
phone: 484-658-4567



This study is a long-term maternal outcomes study among women with mild CHTN who received antihypertensive therapy in pregnancy or who had preeclampsia.


Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:
All women with mild CHTN who were randomized into CHAP between 2015 and 2021.
- Recall CHAP Inclusion criteria were: Confirmed mild CHTN (either new/untreated with BP 140 – 159/90-104 mmHg OR known monotherapy with BP ≤ 159/104 mmHg); Singleton live fetus; Gestational age < 23 weeks
- Recall CHAP Exclusion criteria were: Severe CHTN (recurrent BP ≥ 160/110 mmHg or on 2 or more antihypertensive drugs); Allergy to labetalol and nifedipine; Known secondary cause for CHTN; Current or prior CVD; Imminent threat to the fetus (major anomaly, FGR, membrane rupture)


Exclusion Criteria for follow-up study:
- Declined to be contacted for the follow-up study or cannot be contacted
- Sites that are unable to participate in the follow up


*If pregnant, follow-up for required in-person visit will be deferred until at least 12 weeks postpartum but this is not an exclusion
