Decorative Accent Squares

Jennifer Conway

Catasauqua • Lost 121 pounds
Gastric Bypass Surgery

Jennifer Conway

Having surgery and losing weight has changed my life for the positive in every way you can imagine. I love who I see in the mirror. It has given me such a positive outlook on everything from my job, my attitude and even helped me earn a well-deserved promotion because of the new confidence I have in myself.– Jennifer

After years of unhealthy food choices and gaining weight during pregnancy, I knew I had to change myself. I became a gestational diabetic when I was pregnant and I was told that that put me at risk to be a diabetic after pregnancy. Also, I was constantly tired and didn’t want to do anything. But the major tipping point was when I watched my dad go through a leg amputation due to vascular disease and diabetes and I knew I had to change.

Six months post op, I finally began to see changes in myself. Having surgery and losing weight has changed my life for the positive in every way you can imagine. I love who I see in the mirror. It has given me such a positive outlook on everything from my job, my attitude and even helped me earn a well-deserved promotion because of the new confidence I have in myself. I love being able to spend time with my husband and chase and run with my two kids. I even achieved my goal of running a 5K.

My advice for anyone considering surgery – just do it! If you want to change your life for the better then don’t wait and don’t doubt yourself. You can absolutely do it. You can love yourself again more than you could ever imagine.