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Below is a list of frequently asked questions, if you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please click here to submit any question(s) you may have.


When comparing prices from our website to others, be an educated consumer. Ask questions to determine if other providers are including all costs in their prices. We strive to provide you with one price for high quality care provided by exceptional physicians using the latest equipment. Other pricing could appear to be lower but may not actually be all inclusive pricing; the staff may not have equivalent training and the diagnostic equipment may not be as advanced as equipment used at St. Luke’s University Health Network.

The amount quoted on the website covers the cost of the imaging study or testing and the cost for the physician to read the imaging study/testing when applicable. If you require additional studies, additional costs will apply.

The price listed on this site INCLUDES the following:

  • The costs associated with the use of the operating room/procedure room
  • The cost for the physician to perform the procedure
  • The cost of any image/X-ray performed during the procedure along with cost to have the radiologist read the study and provide a report.
  • The cost of anesthesia services
  • The cost of the post-op visit at the physician office

The price does NOT INCLUDE:

  • A visit with your physician prior to the surgery
  • Any specimens needing to be sent to the lab for analysis and reporting of a pathologist
  • Any unusual implants/hardware or special devices needed during the procedure that are not typically used
  • Any services needed prior to or after the procedure such as lab tests, imaging, physical therapy, EKGs, etc.
  • An appointment with a cardiologist or primary care physician documenting that you are able to receive the procedure in your current condition
  • You will get a separate bill for anything that the quoted price does not cover.

For any scheduled service, you are required to pay at the time the appointment is scheduled. If it is a walk-in such as lab or x-ray, you are required to pay when you come in for the study. Please check the website to see which services are scheduled and which services are walk-in. For procedures, you are required to pay at the time the appointment is scheduled.

Unfortunately, we cannot give the PriceChecker rates unless all labs requested are a part of the PriceChecker program.

No. We have a group of participating physicians from which you can choose.

You should not get a bill that shows a balance. If you do, call 1-844- SLPRICE (757-7423) and we will make sure that your account is correct.

For this special program, we require cash or credit card payment in full before services are provided.

Yes, St. Luke’s will be adding additional procedures, and may change pricing. For more information on when these changes may take place, please click on “Request More Information” and complete the form.