Women’s Health


Scared Mom Reassured by Trusted OB/GYN
September 21, 2022

Danielle Johnson, DO

Florence was in excellent health and having an unremarkable pregnancy when she began feeling uncomfortable at work in her 27th week.  Her heart was racing and her blood pressure was slightly elevated so she went home, napped and called St. Luke’s Riverside Women’s Healthcare, where she had been seeing Danielle Johnson, DO since early in her pregnancy.  When her blood pressure continued to rise the next morning, Dr. Johnson instructed Florence to go to the labor and delivery unit  at St. Luke’s Anderson Campus.  She said, “it might be nothing but let’s be safe.” 

Upon arrival, Florence was examined by Meredith Birsner, MD of St. Luke’s Maternal Fetal Medicine who said  “My  friend, you’re not going anywhere,” and was promptly admitted.   Dr. Johnson visited  shortly thereafter and assured Florence she was in good  hands. Following an ultrasound three days later, Florence was taken to the OR for a C-section.  Recalls Florence, “I  was scared.  I was shaking in the operating room.”  And then, Dr. Johnson appeared and said, “I got you.” 

“It was like an angel walked in and said “you’re fine,” and I  immediately relaxed.”

Florence’s new daughter weighed in at 1 lb. 11  oz.   “She was tiny, but  she was alive,” says  Florence gratefully.  Shortly after the delivery  Dr. Johnson explained that Florence had preeclampsia – high blood pressure in pregnancy  -- but it was caught early  and Florence and her baby were fine.  “It blew me  away!  I was very healthy and never imagined I’d be going through that,” says Florence.   After a short stay in  the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Florence and her daughter, Daniella, settled in at their Easton home.

From her first appointment, Florence felt connected to Dr. Johnson.  “She was professional, but friendly.”  Even though she was healthy, Florence was in her mid-thirties, so Dr. Johnson referred her to St. Luke’s Maternal Fetal Medicine for extra monitoring.  Dr. Johnson immediately made Florence feel comfortable and encouraged her to ask questions.  “She told me “no question is silly” and reminded me that as women,  we need to take care of ourselves and our babies.”  Florence appreciated that open communication and has trusted Dr. Johnson ever since.

A few years later, and a few years older, Florence went on to have a second child.  Based on her previous experience, Maternal Fetal Medicine monitored this pregnancy as well.  With no issues, Florence elected to have a C-section and chit-chatted with Dr. Johnson throughout the delivery of her son, David, at St. Luke’s Anderson Campus.

Now the mother of two, Florence continues to receive her OB/GYN care from Dr. Johnson and the team at St. Luke’s Riverside Women’s Healthcare.  “I’m sure another doctor would have taken good care of me, but during my first pregnancy and delivery Dr. Johnson took away all of my fear and made me feel safe,” says Florence.  “I trust her completely.”